Friday, February 22, 2008

We are home from Ethiopia - we returned 2/20 at 9pm

I am so thankful for all of the prayers and support that we received during this adoption journey. I know that many of you are waiting to hear how things tonight is the night that I tell everyone about my blog. Scary thought....everyone will see my mispelled words and see that I really was a little "off" during this journey... A peak at the inside!

I'll post more pictures later, but I think that most people just want to see the boys and know that we really are happy and getting along and adjusting. We are doing great, but just a little tired. Right now, its about 3:00am and I am wide awake, I still haven't adjusted to US time.

Ethiopia is an amazing country. I know that people say that about many places, but I've never felt such a strong life and love energy. I know, that sounds new age, but it is so true. I felt so alive the entire time that I was there. It was not just because of the adoption, there was an amazing energy evident the first day we were there. (Maybe the energy was enhanced by the Ethiopian Coffee and truly organic food.) I have never felt more alive.

The people of Ethiopia were the warmest, most loving, genereous people. They are a country full of self and country pride. Even though there is poverty, as a visitor you are completely safe. There was never a time when I felt discomfort. People did beg, but I never felt unsafe. I wish that I could describe the amount of love and kindness from the people. I really do think that it is something that must be experienced first hand. On our trip, there were two other families picking up their kids. I think that when it was time to leave, we all felt like we were leaving our second home. There were many tears from the staff at HOH and the Americans leaving. I would have never expected to feel so connected to a country and its people in such a short time. Both of the families that we traveled with us are planning to go back to adopt more kids in the future. We are definitely planning a trip back there in a couple of years. I truly feel connected to the country and the people.

Everyone wants to know what Ethiopia is like. My best answer is that it is a cross between San Francisco and the Carribean. Ethiopia has beautiful mountains and a climate like San Francisco. While we were there it was hot during the day but cold at night. (For those of you who don't know, San Francisco is one of my favorite places to visit.) The mountains and the trees were beautiful. There were also beautiful lakes close by, but obviously no ocean. Ethiopia was like the Carribean in that there were lots of streetside shops, everything was Mom and Pop style. We all felt like we were visiting a beach town when we got outside of the city. The city of Addis was very developed by not touristy. There were not alot of high rise buildings but it was very urban. At many times during the visit, I felt like I was living in the time of Jesus. There were many donkeys walking the roads carrying supplies, and just the shop and village structure was very different from what I am used to.

That is all for tonight. I'll post more pictures soon...of Addis and of the family reunited. Maybe now I can get some rest!


Gretchen Magruder said...

Kelly - I'm so glad you came out of the blogging closet!! Your sons are so handsome. congrats!! We've requested a 3-5 year old, so I really appreciate seeing your children and hearing about your experience!
gretchen (CHI)

Erica said...

Yeah!! Thank you for sharing your blog. The boys look so happy! Silas is sitting her with me and yelled SHIMELIS! SAMUEL! :)

I look forward to reading about your journey.

LISA said...

So glad you started a blog!!Your boys really do look so happy!

gigglechirp said...

Welcome home! And welcome to the USA handsome boys!!!

Good wishes to you all and thanks for sharing your blog!

Jenni, Jim and Mamush

Children's Hope International said...

What a fun description of Ethiopia! I am very much looking forward to reading your blog. Welcome home! You are a beautiful, beautiful family.

Thank you for sharing your blog! If you would like to be included on the CHI blogroll, just let me know!

Jen N.

Julie said...

Your boys are so handsome. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.

I loved your description of Ethiopia. I can't wait to go myself.

God Bless,

Stacie said...

Welcome Home! Love all the pictures - your boys are so cute! And, I love your description of Ethiopia - it is so hard to answer the question, "What was it like?" There's just so much to say! :)

Annie said...

Congrats! And I love what you wrote....yes, it is "a perfect fit"!!! God bless you and your family. SO happy for you!!!!!

LISA said...

Kelly,I hope all is going well.

SeƱora Smith said...

How wonderful! We've been praying for you guys, and will continue to do so as you get settled in together. Congratulations!

Scott & Julie Smith (Scott works with Amandla)

Unknown said...

Kell Bell,

What an amazing writer you are. Can't tell you how much I can relate to your experience simply through your words. Just wonderful your sense of expression and enlightenment of this whole process. I look forward to many more blogs to come. As someone who hasn't had any children of her own, nor adopted any, I find a sense of peace reading your entries.

All my love to you, Amandla and the kids, not only now, but through this long and beautiful journey .

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Sue Davies. We have adopted children from Peru and Guatemala. 1st of all, CONGRATULATIONS! They are beautiful!!
We have the same feelings for Peru as you do for Ethiopia. We have returned several times and have good friends who live there. I can't say there was the kind of loving energy you described - sounds wonderful! But we became very attached to the country and the people.

Peace, Marie

Deedra Lynn said...

The boys are beautiful and you all look so happy. I pray that you are all settling into a good rhythm now that you are home. Many blessings!

Stacie said...

Hi there Kelly, Just checking in to see how things are going down there. Here they are good. We sure miss your family. We enjoyed our time together. Ryelynn loves to see Samuel and Shimelis pictures.
Stacie F

LISA said...

Hi guys! Just wondering how life is going?